It’s important to make writing a special event for your child, no matter what method you use. One of the most fun writing activities for kids can be accomplished with a writing box. What’s that, you may ask? A writing box is a treasure trove of writing tools your child have at their disposal. These boxes, if created right, can give your child a lot of hours of fun.
Writing boxes are great for all ages: just adjust the material to your child’s age and ability level.
4 Reasons To Create A Writing Box
- With their own writing box a child is given the message that they are writers and that they have the tools to enjoy this creative process.
- Having writing materials all in one place makes it easy for a child to start writing when they get that inspiration. There is no searching for the materials.
- This special box helps children to know that writing is not just an activity for school. Like doing crafts and playing games, it can be enjoyed at home.
- Most importantly, the materials that you include will allow your child to be a successful writer no mater what their ability level is, even a non-writer.
How to Create a Writing Box
For the best results, create this box WITH your child NOT FOR your child. Children have greater pride for things that they have a hand in making.
Use an ordinary cardboard box and cover it with wrapping paper, newspaper comics, craft paper or even aluminum foil. Decorate the box with stickers, jewels, pompoms, stamps or any other items that your child would like to use. Most of all, have fun!
Decorations for your child’s writing box
Year Round Sticker Assortment Set (1200+ Count) Collection for Children, Teacher, Parent, Grandparent, Kids, Craft, School, Planners & ScrapbookingPassport Stamp Sticker Sheets (480 Stickers)
Self-Adhesive Acrylic Jewels Assorted Designs & colors Embellishments for Children’s Crafts (Pack of 200)
Be sure that your box is a good size to hold all of the material that you will include. If it is too big or small the box will become messy, difficult to use and used less often. You should also make sure that the materials are appropriate for the age of your child. Small packs of crayons (my son loved the non-rolling ones), and wide lined paper is a must for young children.
Items to include in your writing box:
- Pencils – An obvious writing tool
- Pencil Sharpener – It is essential to have a sharpener in the box.
- Drawing Paper – Drawing and writing go hand in hand. The paper does not need to be fancy. Below, I suggest a budget friendly paper.
- Story Paper – Story paper allows your child to easily write and illustrate a story. It also gives pre-writers the ability to draw pictures and have you record their story.
- Writing Notebook – An older child may enjoy having their stories in a bound notebook rather that separate pieces of paper.
- Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils – I highly recommend smaller sets of these items. With too many pencils and crayons your child may become overwhelmed with cleaning it all up properly.
Here’s a fun writing activity your kids will love!
Writing Box Content Ideas
Pacon Multi-Program Picture Story Paper, 12Crayola 24 Ct Erasable Colored Pencil
8 Count Crayola Triangular Anti-Roll Proper Grip Crayons + Tray Lid (Pack of 3)
Neon Pencil Sharpeners (1 Dozen) – Bulk
ALEX Toys Artist Studio My Drawing Pad
Pacon Picture Story Ruled Newsprint Paper, 9 x 12 Inches, 500 Sheets (2656)
Writing Ideas For Vacation Time
As vacation days pass, writing is often something that gets put to the side. If skills are not practiced over the vacation time (especially summer vacation), many of the things they learned during the school year are lost. I find it easy to include reading throughout our vacation days, but writing gets a little trickier.
Here are a few ideas to keep your child writing even on vacation:
1. Encourage your child to write a letter to their teacher to tell them about their vacation.
2. Set up a pen pal with a current friend or relative.
3. With your child, search online for an international pen pal.
4. Sit outside (or in front of a window if it’s cold) with a pencil and paper and write about the nature you see in your yard.
Remember to keep these activities light and allow their writing to go in the direction they choose.