Reading to your children at a young age helps encourage them to read later in life. Reading is also a great bonding experience that brings you and your child closer together. Wonder which are the best books for preschoolers?
There are many different books available, and everyone has their own personal favorite. No wonder, when you ask someone what they would recommend, there are lots of different answers.
Here’s how to assess what the best children’s books are:
- the ones your child enjoys the most
- the books that make his eyes light up and put a big smile on his face when you pull them out to read.
Look for books with simple text, pictures and words that are easy to identify.
Best Books For Preschoolers
ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet Book
ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet Book ABC: A Child’s First Alphabet Book written by Alison Jay – This beautifully illustrated ABC book is suited for preschoolers of all ages.
The author portrays each letter in both upper and lower case with a simple sentence about that letter such as “A is for apple” and “B is for balloon”.
It also has a picture of the object but that’s not all. Each page has smaller pictures of other things that begin with that letter to keep older children interested.
There’s even an underlying story about a man who takes a journey and encounters many of the objects in the pictures. As a result, the more you look at the book the more you’ll discover.
Such a fun book!
Big Red Barn Big Book
Big Red Barn Big Red Barn Big Book written by Margaret Wise Brown – This excellent book will help your preschooler learn about animals.
It’s colorful and interesting for your look at.
While much of the text is repetitive, it’s designed to help children associate animals with the sounds they make. Therefore, it helps children learn what animals make which sounds.
Great way to get your child introduced to domestic animals and have fun learning the different animal sounds.
Blue Hat, Green Hat written by Sandra Boynton – When you’re searching for a book that will help your child learn and make her laugh at the same time, this is it. This children’s book teaches kids colors and a lesson on how everyone can make mistakes but that it’s okay when learning how to do difficult things like getting dressed.
Ten Little Ladybugs written by Melanie Gerth – Reading this colorful book about ladybugs to your child is a fun way to teach him about numbers and subtraction. The plastic three-dimensional ladybugs fixed to the pages are so realistic they’ll capture his interest right away. Your child will love to explore the world of numbers with this book.
Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney – This book teaches kids about the love that bonds parents and child together. Little Nutbrown Hare is searching for a way to measure his love for Big Nutbrown Hare. However, his father always seems to find a way to show his love for his son is greater than anything he can imagine.
Helping your child learn the value of books is an excellent way to get them off to a great start in life. Books allow children to use their imaginations. They’re fun, educational and inspiring. When searching for the best children’s books for your child, look for things they already enjoy and it will encourage them to read more.